
Allow me to take the stress out of your nutrition questions. With over 25 years of practical experience in every area of nutrition, I can offer tailor-made talks, webinars, trainings and workshops on a wide range of topics related to our diets, foods and food habits. Depending on your needs, I can…

  • Inspire and motivate for positive change via interactive, 2-3 hour trainings.
  • Inspire and inform via 1-hour webinars.
  • Advise and positively challenge via Q&A sessions

Using expert knowledge and a down-to-earth approach I guarantee you a motivating solution to any question/ issue you may have around food.

There’s life before Vardit and after Vardit – it’s as simple as that. You made the most significant change to my daily behavior and I will always be grateful for my everyday feeling of health and wellness. Thank you – and keep changing the world.”

A. v H., Netherlands

What can nutrition do for you?

Nutrition can change your life, simple as that. The right nutrition pattern can

  • increase your energy
  • improve your performance (physical and mental)
  • make you feel fitter and more vital
  • improve your sleep
  • enhance your mood
  • free you from disease
  • relieve symptoms
  • help you lose (or gain) weight

Food is the fuel your body runs on. If you upgrade your fuel from diesel to high octane, you will notice a much better performance overall. It is an incredibly powerful tool, and one which we use every day, 4-5 times a day. Make it work for you!


That’s your total number of meals per year.

What else do you do 2,000 times – all year long, every year of your life???

That’s the impact food has on your life.

What will you get from a nutrition session with me?

When I give a training, workshop or a webinar, you are guaranteed

  • top expertise – gathered over 25+ years of experience.
  • up-to-date, innovative information.
  • clarity – no-nonsense, down-to-earth ideas answering your specific needs.
  • inspiration – using a positive, motivating approach. No ‘shoulds’, only ‘coulds’.
  • humour – the best spice ever.

You really changed my way of thinking about food, and about what I owe to myself and my family. I am back to my weight of 10 years ago, and I feel so much better. Thank you so much, Vardit, you are so inspiring. I owe you a lot!”

S.K., Netherlands

This is what they say…

Questions? Contact me.