It was about twelve years ago, when the healthy eating trend was not even in its nappies, that I started sharing my passion for cooking and eating for vitality, for energy, for the Feel Good factor. And of course, for health. My three daughters were still very young and my family kitchen experiments, with my girls and husband as guinea pigs, were at times such hits that I felt compelled to share them with others, mostly mums with young families, who wanted to eat and feed healthily with limited time and minimum requirements. Over the years my motto just presented itself – it had to be “Quick, Easy, Delicious & Nutritious” – and so it has remained all along. No fancy dishes for me – it’s got to be do-able, practical, fast enough, using good base products that can easily be sourced. And it must absolutely be lekker. Super tasty. Otherwise why bother?
I don’t want to eat anything because I ‘have to’. I want to eat it because I ‘choose to’ – ‘cos it does me good!
And this has been my mantra (long before I realised it) ever since I moved, 25+ years ago, from a disastrous MBA student total junk menu (literally going sick with it) to the Eat Yourself to Shining Health approach. The results speak for themselves. It’s part of my legacy and what I so happily share with others. Here it is in video form. Joy.